A lil deviation from my usual style of topics , thought that had to write something about what we all are - no actually some1 commented on my blog " a lady engineer's blog - novelty !" , thats what made me think - this guy had not commented about anything else but just about the fact that its a "girl engg. 's blog" . Was he so surprised?? really !! thats the 1st thought that came to my mind .
But then again i read an article in Times O. I , about 2 lil girls who had to scavenge for their food in garbage dumps bcoz their mother would not cook fresh food for them - only for their brother . The last line of the article read " wen will we care for girl child ?" . Yes I know that our heart goes out 2 such people , we feel bad , maybe for a sec , a min or an hour but after that we get on wit our lives as we were ! Then again on the first page was an article about how women nowadays are calling shots at relationships - kareena dumped shahid , padma lakshmi did that to salman rushdie & britney to kevin f.
What absolutely opposing ideas they were !
Even in colleges like mine & many u'll find subtle changes made for a gal - like girls shud be paired up wit some hatta gatta guy during workshop , by 3rd year a boyfriend is a must, girls can only ratta marofy everything witout understanding etc etc the list goes on . Call it what u may , but i can never get it that y many girls submit 2 such nonsense , y the hell can they not stand up 4 themselves ? Ofcourse there are the beautiful ones who wit their "nekami " ( sry cudnt really find a better word ) get what they want .
Excuses like " have walked too much in the sun so wont be able to give the test or cant stay out for classes at 5 coz " oo I'm so tired " " should be banned !! how can u even say such a thing .
& u know wat's the worst part is wen u dont do such things u r dubbed " grl who's a boy or boyish girl " ya well i'd like to hear what they'd call those who hav 2 walk 5km to get to their school or about women who have to toil in fields all day long but even then wen they come back home they have 2 dabaofy their bloody saas's feet !!!!
When i was in class 7 , there was a chapter in our hindi book called " ladki" that was the 1st time i had known that such behaviour existed . It is such an irony that girls from villages or relatively bad financial cond. homes are the ones who tolerate everything even though they know that it wrong while richer girls like us submit to all types of nakhras !! This is more shocking bcoz most of the girl child education , rights etc have been made keeping in mind the poorer girls .
Girls & Guys are genetically & mentally different - you cant change that . But just think a lil b4 being what guys will call chivalry ( which may be cheating during exams basically to show off , no offence against those who do it wit pure intentions :P ) would u have helped some old lady on the road or shown lil kindness to the lil girl begging by singing songs . to girls who do all that please have some respect for urself . & To those who dont do such lallu giri " I like u & keep it up coz ur true value will shine through & u dont need to any silent norms of this society"
To those who don't do such lallu giri " I like u & keep it up coz ur true value will shine through & u dont need to any silent norms of this society..........
ha ha ..good !!! , I will not dare to besmirch the post with my vacuous comment .
The choice of your kids name , ha ha ha ha 'Aditya' and 'Geet' , ha ha ha ha .......Kitna anokha aur pyaara naam hai ,...The dog that I am couldn't stop straying in .
Opps !! I lack that veneer of suavity, you are quit acquainted with . Sorry for trespassing .
I read few post , I'll try to be truthful was no misnomer .
"like girls shud be paired up wit some hatta gatta guy during workshop , by 3rd year a boyfriend is a must"
last para is too good!
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