Been tagged by rachael :) . its a first from her .So here it goes ,
1.What have you realised recently?
Many many many things , have realised
--that there will always some people who will never leave your side.
---- that just because someone doesnt do what we do , they arent wrong in doing so .
----that life is what it is & it will take you where it has to ,but of course, in the end you can say that I showed it the way.
2.Have you given your first kiss away?
a typical sati savitri answer would be " of course to ma &dad" but i know well which first kiss this question asks about , & no that has not yet come my way .
*unless of course you take that time when i was a 9yr old & kissed amir khan's screen image hehehhehe*
3. If you were to be stranded on a deserted island, who are the 11 blog buddies you would take?
the island wouldnt be deserted then hehheh.
But actually , maybe no one. thats really cold of me na? but thats what i am like , very few people have my full confidence. &thats why have named 'tis blog"ill try to be truthful" (however melodramatic it may sound).
because today even if i do name 11 bloggies , will that chance really come ?
vanilla sky & tyro i hope u wont be angry at me now .
4.Where is the place you want to go the most?
Tawang (again) , Greece , Venice ... the list goes on .& of course all the places i'v stayed in .
5.If you have one dream to come true,what would it be?
As a kid , I had a dream that when i would grow up , i"ll be super successful really cool &all that. & then i would drive down my car to my own apartment which is tastefully done by me . but , the colour of my room is purple ( yes thats right).
& after parking my car , i go up to my room , sit on a cream coloured sofa , switch on the tv , watch something & then go to cook my dinner . after cooking & eating i'd be tired like hell & then go to sleep thinking " wow i finally did what i wanted to , i finally am independent".
6.Do you believe in seeing the rainbow after the rain?
I believe in seeing the rainbow during rain .
7.What are you afraid of losing the most now?
Idont know , maybe when I"ll lose something then I"ll know
8.If you win $1 million, what would you do?
I"ll keep on reminding myself that I mus'nt go mad , or stop working hard or stop aspiring for bigger things :) . waise a top open gaddi would be a good idea :D& maybe a trip to the places i wanna go & maybe some gucci ,valentino dresses & some of this 'n' that. .......
9.If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
I guess that"ll be that one time when i"ll be shy . But who knows what"ll happen if there's someone ..............................
10.List out 3 good points about the person who tagged you
-- she tagged me .
-- raphael rhymes with racheal (from friends)
- she's nice
11.What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?
" all of us try to find love , &when we dont , we close our eyes to it , telling that there's no such thing , all the while waiting for it to come & wake us up , shake us & scream at us saying " its me , & only me "
as for the 'requirements' thing i actually don't believe in such things because in the end they don't matter ( well except ofcourse - a senile mind :P)
12.What type of people do you hate the most?
I dont really hate people , just some characteristics in them.
some of them being trickery , falsehood, & a rougish look in the eyes .
13.What is the one thing you can't live without?
people , people & people .
14. If you have faults, would you rather the people around you point out to you or would you rather they keep quiet?
I listen to only some people who over the years have wished well for me .As for others pointing out my faults its fine as far as its something valid & not something stupid as "you should put on more weight "
15. Racheal tag shows that this qwestun is missing. What do I do?
I put up a question ----" when was the last time you helped someone? why did you do it?"
16.Are you a shopaholic or not?
hehheheheheh only when mom is with me :P
17.Find a word to describe the person who tagged you
18.If you have a chance, which part of your character you would like to change?
the part which gets tensed before exams.
19.What’s the last shocking thing you've seen or heard?
shocking thing heard :that the most bhola bhala paraku mumma's boy kinda guy of my class has proposed a dumb idiot who' also 6 years elder to him & already has 3 bfs ( at a time) & all this because the guy is really desperate now !!!!! & nothing because of the 4 letter L word !!
the shocking thing i have seen is : my star world has disappeared only to be replaced by some moronic CTVN akd (yuck) , where all day long male astrologers in salwar kameez & female "jyotishaas" in kurta pyajamas sit & talk shit (booo hoo hooo )
20.Would you rather have love but no money or money but no love?
I'd love to have both money & love .But taking a pick is really hard for me ( i wonder why :O most people wouldnt think twice before saying love ) but one things for sure , would never love someone for his money ,.
lastly this tag goes specially to vanilla sky & tyro . anybody else who wishes to take up this tag can do so too.
Oops!!!Miss Amrita.....sry for the mistake....
Waise ,yeah your blog was good.Although you are a senior blogger,a suggestionfor you,please give some gap between sentences and paragraphs...It makes reading pleasurable
You know me???thats funny...cool ..if "unethical" you does not mind chatting wid me..my id is snbhaduri@gmail.com
take me to that island too! I wanna be lost :)
You kissed Aamir Khan's screen picture? GIRL! You know he is mine right?
hehe gud one.... and u get so tensed bfore exams kya? that thts the only thing u wud wanna change in u! :O
Gal......... Good post..... You think a lot........ main agar itna sochne laga to sir phat jaayega..... and why do you want to change the part that get tensed before the xam? ..... Well it ur choice but i njoy that feeling... it makes me vulnerable and for once i think i njoy performing in that....... :)
Oooh!! A long tag indeed :)
Ahem!! Screen image kissing?? Is it still there?
Mmm, so those who tags you are good persons?
yup u finally got it . & thanx for the suggestion will keep it in mind.
u can have all of him. remember i was a nine year old then & "pehla nasha " had taken my heart away .
thanku .thats actually one of the first things that came to my mind . & i wouldnt mind if u suggested something else too :)
agreed ,some tension is always better than none . but i get super tensed & then to avoid that spend time watching tv or something else which is equally bad .
no no , hahah , that was a good decase ago .
to everyone who commented :
its really nice & generous of all of you to have commented . funnily , i felt that maybe i hadnt done justice to this post .but anyways , i think all of you are really great blog writers ( 100 % better than me atleast :D ) , so, thank you :)
uff lot of amir's fan here huh..
he's gud.
sry!!!!didnt noe that.....bad mistake
Hii , I am realy sorry for being that late to the comments as was inactive for all good reasons for some time.
Coming to our discussion here in this post , I have particularly liked this
"that life is what it is & it will take you where it has to ,but of course, in the end you can say that I showed it the way.
An articualte one to the marooned one was gritty and the twinkling was visible.
All that I read pushes me to ask " Are u doin something in human relations?"
Hope to see you blogging like the same.. for long.
And yes , finally I am coming up with a blog that would discuss life beyond survival .. not the spiritual way..!
A lot to come !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!( As I always say ...BLESS)
"not something stupid as "you should put on more weight "
nicely done :)
I am loving your blog! =)
:O , its ok
@comment deleted
kaun hai bhai???
thanx for the many compliments. & no i'm not doing something in human relations , though one of my friends tells me that i should be some kinda counsellor.
@vanilla sky
hehe thanks re
@deranged insanity
i'm loving it too :D
hey i really liked all ur answers though i must admit the first ans was simply awesome...in that i totally agree with u....
great answers...enjoyed reading all...'
nice tag.. i did the same tag too.. bt the way u ve answered is better! :)
Hey, yu got a nice blog here...
am adding yu tu my blogroll :D shall keep visiting.
btw, i dont blog at cucumbercity.blogspot.com anymore.
Do visit AlphabetWorld sometime :)
@parul gupta
thanx :)
@matangi mawley
@alphabet world
will surely visit :)
nice read amrita!
there were a few surprises along the way.
Anyway I think its irrelevant asking a gal if she enjoys shopping or not. There is no second answer.
You still haven't given a direct answer for the question
,"Would you rather have love but no money or money but no love?"
what do you think?? &am now curious to know about the 'surprises' this post revealed .
Oh! Since you are not giving me a direct answer I will tell you my answer. Its love because money is never going to be a problem for me :)
As far as the surprises are concern they are based on my preconceived notions so they don't really matter like I was surprise by your traveling spirit.
hey cool tag re...u really liked aamir khan that much as a kid kya :O
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