Friday, September 5, 2008


I wonder sometimes , that why do we want to change people around us?? Even if the only reason to do so is , that they are trying to live their life the way they want to, just like us.
Are we too focussed on the outer contour of a person , rather than what he/she stands for?
lets take an example with which many of us may feel connected. Remember when Kareena K. achieved her size zero status? Almost every one discussed it , it was even in the news !! I know , that her head sort of looked bigger than her body , but somehow all of us made an issue about how she was being a wrong model for "aaj ki generation" .
How many of us actually, do look up to her to be a role model?? ---- :O . rather, how many of us are fit to be a role model? we all know that we have some imperfection in us , whether in the way we behave , or what we wear.
Personally , I hate being judged , especially if its something which doesn't hurt anybody else.
Equally surprising is the fact that we put up with behaviour like smoking , swear words which i cant even say out loud in my head. If someone does raise a question against these "norms" , he/she is immediately silenced . is called prudent or "nakhchadi" or something similiar.
A certain ad by " F & lovely " shows a guy going with his family to "see" a girl ( i.e meeting the girl before an arranged marriage) , the girl says 'hi' & looks at the guy's paunch . The guy immediately realises this , is ashamed & gets into gymming , body-shody banata hai . He gets back to the girl & this time confidenly says ' hi' to her.
The motto : the guy reduced coz he felt he had to match upto the girls fairness quotient.
Is this fair?? What if the girl had been dusky , would he have pushed himself?

But then again , when did judging anyone start? I remember as a kid , i wasn't your usual cute softy softy baby fatty . I wasnt the kid whose cheeks were golu . i was a tall lanky kid ,even at 7years of age , had sober eyes not playful types. What I specifically remember was one Lakshmi maam who used to do coochie coo with almost all the cutey kids & all she had for the likes of me was --- "u r so thin that ek foonk maroongi to ur jaoongi" .I think she meant it to be a joke , but somethings don't remain funny after they've been said a 100 times over . ( please nobody should post sympthasising comments) . I tolerated this , thinking at that time , that maybe what she said was true . But one day , something clicked & I retorted saying " & even if a roadroller comes to pick you up , uska tyre flat ho jaiga" & I remember the look of shock on her face . sweet revenge :) .
& then whenever I would meet her , I'd retort the same line , not caring that she had actually stopped taking a go at me .
Now I wonder , if it was that comment which made me a quick tongue now . Also , what did she gain , by ridiculing a small kid ? --- I'v realised that she too belongs to the same world from where we come. sometimes unknowingly & sometimes knowingly , we have judged others just because some of their 'methods' whcih we didnt like.
So when S says that i come from the zoo ,&should go back there where people will feed me plenty of peanuts or that since Im from an army background im a trained fighter & know no emotions , I laugh out .But sometimes , when that 7yearr old kid in me gets irritated , i retort back too .
I know , i know many of you may be thinking "kitnii senti hai , ek joke bhi nahi le sakti hai " then i say : "Boss le sakti hu, unless its not the 100 th time its repeated"

Fortunately , I have some friends (&I'm sure all of us have), who I know have accepted me for the person I am , & even if they do tell me something about me , it"ll be true to the core .

&Finally , I wish we could live in a world where people would be tried only for criminal offences .:)
ps: any new suggestions to tackle S are very welcome.

/* A song from Rock on
I think , it can fit in as a conversation with fellow bloggers

Yeh Tumhari Meri Baathein, Hamesha Yuhin... Chalti Rahe..
Yeh Hamari Mulakate, Hamesha Yuhin... Chalti Rahe..
Beete Yuhin Apne Saare Din Raaat
Baaton Se Nikalti Rahe Nayi Baaat
Phir Wahin Baathein Leke Geet Koi... Hum Likhe..
Jo Dil Ko Haan Sab Ke Dil Ko.. Chu Le..
Baathein Suron Mein Yuhin Pighalti Rahen..
Baathein Geeton Mein Yuhin Dalti Rahen..


Anonymous said...

Stereo-types have always been there since generations. And before this post I used to think that they'll continue to exist until Sun will die and engulfe Earth in its arms. But thanks for spreading the word around. Hopefully, this will help the world get rid of insane people.


Resurgence said...

Gal.......... again a frank opinion....... too much...... tu sochti bahut hai...... :)...... I agree with you on some accounts and disagree on others..... When u say that you don't like being judged on what has nothing to do with others U r speaking a universal truth..... no one likes that ...... But its human tendency to judge others (Hope u take Human behavior as one of ur subjects...... :)).... So involuntary all do so...... even if u deny it straight unconcsiously u may be doing the same...... As for making fun of others.... I have been a part of multiple groups/ sets of friends /colleagues /batchmates and in each one of them we take a purposefully take a dig at each other... bcoz sometimes it is the best way to bond ..... Most of the comments means nothing ........ and for the abuses (In Engg. colleges)and in most others it seriously means nothing....... even though the civilized world takes it otherwise....... Sorry for this long comment..... I usually have a habit to write more.... Njoy and break free of shackles

peter said...

lyt le yaar no point in thinking so much !
& seems rock on hangover still prevails huh ?

Keshi said...

Stereotyping will always exist as long as humans exist.

Just be yourself no matter what and enjoy life. :)


Anonymous said...

in Abhay's lingo it would be " chuk it yaar"
talking abt Kareena, there exists people who do follow such stars :O

Rià said...

hmm thts something thts never goin to change. being judgmental is a thing existing from times immemorial. Btw u hav a nice blog and the last few lines from Rock on r beautiful.i liked it in the movie too!!

Think Tank said...

chill yaar ...i think the repeated jokes are coz of two reasons ..1)non inniovative semse of humour ..ask me 2) bittter people ...neither of these worth noticin...and yeah its hard to be judged ... but well we do tend to judge ...

I'll try 2 be truthful said...

@deranged insanity
hmmm,, :) maybe its normal to be insane .

however filmy it may sound , but i guess i ,was going through some 'emotional turmoil' that time .&ya maine bhi socha ki main kuch zyada soch rahi thi , coz u r rite we all do tend to make jokes & take digs at others ,bohot sahi insight hai .
& plz dont care about the 'long' comments ,@least u'v explained everything properly. *even i write long comments*

hehehhe ,u remind me of jiah khan's "take lite"

I'll try 2 be truthful said...

i will ,i will

@vanilla sky
i'm going to adopt abhay as guru !!

hmm, thanx yaar

@think tank &everybody else
we do tend to judge . but like everything , I've realised 'judging'
also has two faces.sometimes your judgement can save you from being conned ,but then again, judgement should be such that it doesn't hurts anybody's sentiments & their way of living.

james said...

well I missed the kareena
But there is one thing in common- I hate to be judged because people often misjudged me.
I am afraid the world works just that way because even I can't help forming my opinion.
"Baathein Suron Mein Yuhin Pighalti Rahen" I like this line. Although there is no sur when I speak or sing. hehe

I'll try 2 be truthful said...

yeah , travelling was once an integral part of my life