Monday, May 19, 2008
Tension -Tensions
getting tensed really easily ( usually wen i'm alone) & then am not able to do anything . Thats what happens everytime b4 the xams. I know that I do well in most of the sems , tests etc but somehow.....
Add to that the fact that I'll b 21 nxt month . Not much of problem till now . But recently , thanks 2 my own pigheadedness , i made my mom read that "mum 4 u " post . ( maybe i was feeling xtra daughterly that day !!! ) . of course she liked that 1 & was really happy but that is when the problem started !!!! She read the rest of the blogs too !!!! & now she has a SUSPICION if I have a bf or not !!!!! all that becoz of mention of certain guys !
Gosh moms can be soo....... problematic . bro sed " mom was going through ur msgs yesterday "
all i could do was "hahahhahahahaa" . sad or silly it may sound but most of sms's are from girls or guys regarding study & al that . sample : " bring analog communication xerox" , " come 2 canteen - saheli " . Such is my state !!! U know i think I'll enact the ad from virgin mobiles wr that girl very charismatically sez " ladko me koi interest nahi hai" & her folks suddenly think abt almost everything other than what is right .
Tension no 2 which is actually of more importance than the above heebi- jeebies . The maha SEms !!! oof initially they wr to be held on 10 june , but due to some godforsaken (!) intervention it may start from 3rd june . The only silver lining is that maybe my birthday may just be saved from the storm of sems . Actually i shud'nt be tensed much but again i keep reminding me of last sem results ( very snobbish of me too think of it as low , i know) . its like only a week left & have loads to do . analog ckts sir hasnt even done justice 2 the syllabus :( .!!!
& last but not the least , last week i hit a guy who happened to be a friend , very hard on the head ,. however cool i acted then about the whole matter , citing jokes & saying ' he's behaving like a girl , sulking so long " & all that , but the guilt is slowly creeping in . Gosh !!!! I have hit people b4 ( no im not mental ) - in class 8 -slapped a guy real hard for a very correct reason - its become something of a school legend there , but havent really hurt anybody without reason but i hope everything will be fine this time .
Anyways gotta do lot now , (wish me luck for enacting that ad ) hehe
Thursday, May 15, 2008
10 upon 10
10 Things That I MIss :-
i'll write them in order they appear in my head
1. all my old schools . in each of these places i'v made friends who were as dear to me then as esha & saheli r now & i miss all of them .
2. AEIE classmates.
3.There was a time wen i had loads of books - stories, novels , comics etc. & wud spend many leisurly noons & nights reading them . I wish i cud get that free time back.
4.My first diary. the one in which i wrote in english.As far as i remember i was the 1 who threw it wen mom discovered it.
5.The cakes & cookies mom baked . thanx to the advent of microwave u dont get the lovely brown rust u used to from ovens .
6.From tv i wish theyd show reruns if not nu seasons of remix, hip hip hurray, small wonder.
7.I used to paint in school . hated the drawing classes in school coz they usually made us do boring stuff like scenries or scene at railway station , but I used 2 paint at home , untaught , uninterrupted . Soon after class 12 the paint box dried up & somehow havent been able 2 get back to it.
8. How could i forget Mathematics . this sem we had none , I'll surely miss the assured O from that subject . Not only that , i fell in love with this subject in class 9 & not having to do even 1 sum in the last 6 months !!! that was tough ;)
9.a pimple less face ( teeheee hheee heee )
10. & last but not the least the only outdoor sport i really liked playing - badminton - u know i was really good while i played it :)
& Now The 10 Things That I Wish to Achieve in the Next 10 Years
I usually dont wish for many things at a time , but , i set goals to be completed within a period of time. So here they are :-
1. To learn driving within the next 5 months.
2. Get a 9pt atleast once in the remaining 3 years of college.
3.Success - within exactly 10 years .
4.A tension free personality
5. To curb my long orkut hours everyday, sometimes i sit there just without doing anything.
6. In the 10th year a boyfriend ( maybe i'll be ready for commitment by then hehehhehhe)
7.visit all the areas my dad had been posted & make a picture album out of it.
8. make every near & dear ones & maybe some friends also ,to develop the habit of not throwing
anything on the roads - not even bus tickets.(I'm maniac about that )
9. buy a supercool chota car like the one saif had in salaam namaste.
10.To learn the trick of leaving one's hair open without feeling the heat :)
Sunday, May 11, 2008

Friday, May 2, 2008

Thursday, May 1, 2008

DLF IPL - a new introduction to the world of Indian cricket . yes it did seem a lil weird that our players were being "auctioned" as if they wr things! Also the resulting division of our country according to it's states, also our players would play with rivals from Australia ,New Zealand & Pakistan . I must admit it did feel really ajjeeeeeeeeb that time that such a thing could ever happen . I was thinking that how wud these players who till now had played with each other would play against themselves . Whatever would happen would have to be seen .
Shah Rukh Khan had purchased the Kolkata team which was to be led by Sourav Ganguly. SRK personally looked into all the needs of the players giving them treatment fit for kings or rather knights . Black & gold sexy uniforms , cheerleadrs , leading brands like Tag Heur , Nokia, Reebok etc as sponsors , theme song by pritam & what not . Aptly named KOLKATA KNIGHT RIDERS , the attitude & josh was feverish.
Soon the team had a two match win . when they won the opening match against the Bangalorean Team it was taken as an omen that nothing could go wrong with the king's men . SRK by far was & is the best cheerleader a team could get . from bringing almost every known celebrity to cheer for his - our team , yes these were the people who go to the alps in March coz then it's too hot in India for them :). & these wr the people cheering hoarsely & wildly :)
anywhere u went in cal u could hear the anthem " korbo lorbo jitbo re , ami kolkata we rule"
From mashima's , college grls , call centre people , papa's & mummies every 1 was hooked on to these matches . & all of them would proudly say " ami KKR der support korchi "
& then sadly & uncalled for came the losses the 1st one against chennai super kings . all news channels promptly jumped the gun & started discussing that " What wen t wrong" finally every1 thought oh well so what ? it's only 1 loss , we'r sure they'll win in their home ground - @ EDEN .
perked up & tense the whole city waited with baited breath for the KKR's to smash the Mumabai Indians - a team which was yet to taste an IPL victory. The stadium was packed so much that it seemed that it wud burst at the seams :) . it was almost like a national holiday at our college coz more than half o' the guys bunked :)
But Alas ! future had something else in store for us . lets just put it in this way - The Mumbaites were happy .
the thing about people in kolkata is that they cant let a game be just a game the play it with their hearts & evena small failure hits them - quite hard . Among all the 12 IPL teams only kolkata knight riders have a fan club which actually functions . MOst of the spectators wear the black & gold team jersey wit no 12 on it which is same as what SRK wears . He is said to be the unofficial 12th man of the team . after this 2nd loss , we were shatterd , disappointed & what not .
The following morning a write up on the front page of the Times OF India went as " He dressed all the cricketers in some kind of black & golden outfits, brought bimbo cheerleaders , & kept on cheering enthusiastically , but SRK did not realize that all that glitters is not gold , Maybe he should have tried harder ......... "
Are these people idiots??? 1 day they make a man to be god like saying things like " oh he's really lucky " , " surely KKR will win the finals" , " SRK always wins & sees that no1 fails him" !~!!!!!!!
& the next second they trash him saying he bimbo cheerleadrs wr his idea , 7 god knows what . MInd you i'm not some gr8 SRK fan & actually have never liked his ( over) acting except in swades .
But atleast give the guy some respect yaar. Personally , i dont think that he ever went upto Sourav & co . & said " yaar aj plz achhe se mat khelna hehhehhehe " .
This is what the media does to people . When they r @ the top of things they write paens abt them . but the moment failure kisses ur head , journos go wild trying to push the blame .
But again who am i talking about Media & journos wen i very well knw that now more than half of the people have given up on KKR . & mind u i'm talking about those who wud say " ha 4rm kolkata that's y jeetche" , but now or sooner will say " arre ami to age thekei jantam " or " arre ye sab TEam INdia ko divide karne ka nateeja hai" . It is sad , but i wish we wudnt change sides so often . Even we wish that those who support us wud forever do that . i wish our support wud not depend on winning or losing too.
So how many of us will support KKR in their nxt match ? as enthusiastically as b4 ? wear black & gold? fill up eden ? & sing again " KORBO LORBO JITBO RE ,. AMI KOLKATA , WE RULE "