Aaahhh , the sem holiday has finally taken its toll on me . Lying listless for most part of the day is what I do now . Have become lazy to the power of infinity .
Woke up at 9 am !!! Can you believe it?? 9 am . haahhaha. & to think of it during the sems , would be awake till 4am , & then would again get up at 7 . I mean it seems as if the more you work , the less is the need to take rest . & when you have the time to do anything , you dont do that. After a lazy morning starts an equally laa-dee-dah noon comprisig of lunch & of course the totally nonsensical soaps . kya karu yaar? sony , z , star , you name it - all they show is kyunki , kahani , & more kkkkkkk's . speaking of kahani ghar... it's outright lack of creativity from the balaji stable to use the Arushi murder as some weird plot . I don't understand , even when a member of your family has been killed , how the hell can you deck up in benarasi saree , wear about 2 tonnes of makeup & still think of trying to solve the ''great mystery '' .
Some here may say , when the father ( that monster Dr.(?) Talwar ) did'nt care about his daughter why should the media? Good point ,but hello , what about a small thing called humanity? I really feel sorry for that girl . She got embroiled in a nasty matter , & did not know how to handle things .
Then again as eve arrives , I 'orkut' with friends , get in touch with people . Is'nt wassup or how's life the most commonest question on orkut??
Watch some silly stupid news , intermixed with mTV - so that my brain registers that as the inflation is going boom boom up the roof , because of which , all of a sudden BJP is all allied with Congress ( I think the nuclear deal also comes in somewhere ) & then suddenly what do I think of? Main talli , main talli ho gayi .hahhhahaha 99 slaps - 1 kiss .
The reader , yes you , must have already realised that this is a vague post , filled with vagueness of life.
Going to catch a dekko at Jane Tu... . hope that it lives up to it's hype . For those of you who have already seen it , have you realised that the title song is 'inspired' from the old saying or even this song - ''you say tomatoes , i say tomatoes '' check --> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZ3fjQa5Hls .
Half of my friends are into internships & her I am blogging :) . jo bhi ho saddi marzi haii. If any of you have any suggestion regarding the importance of these internships , please do give them.
My day ends with watching more Tv & reading more blogs. Have read Two Lives - Vikram Seth . nice book but bcomes a bit tiresome at the end . I still feel A Suitable Boy was Seth's best work .
So that's the way I'm spending my hols - listlessly , carelessly & without any worries.
ciao for now , & maybe this expains why I have'nt really written a post for a looooooooong time.
p.s: 1. have occasinaly gone out to shop or with friends
2. am having very bad dreams about sems & results ( eg : have gone to give an exam without taking the admit card , am seeing the result card in which I havent got any marks - i.e a blank marksheet - ---- horror of horrors)
I agree with you 'A suitable Boy' is vikram seths best work till now...I felt even the pace of 'An Equal Music' is a bit too slow....nice knowing you & your life...Have a wonderful time!
Main talli , main talli ho gayi .hahhhahaha ..
Enjoy gal , me ripped right now , I am too going through those ugly dreams .
And "Jane tu ya jane na " is a good good movie . I liked it .
stop watching K serials, it will harm your eyesight.
watch Disney or Aaastha instead!
@ flying stars
equal music picked up its pace only in the 2nd half & thanx
@ tyro
hehhehe , yup saw jane tu .. & loved it .
@vanilla sky
i try so hard ( to stop watching them) , but in the end it doesnt even matter
aaah amrita i didnt know you blog so well..you have quite the penchant... :) kewl!
thanx , but u were the first person who's blog I had read , so I guess , u do deserve a lil bit of the credit .
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